• Mensaje de Bienvenida
Bienvenid@s a Custom 125, el foro pionero de las custom de baja cilindrada

Este foro se creó en el año 2005 y seguimos adelante ayudando a la gente a elegir su custom de 125, seguimos compartiendo experiencias con nuestras motos, ayudándonos entre nosotr@s a resolver dudas, ruteando juntos, perdiendo el miedo a trastear con nuestras motos, poniendo en práctica los tutoriales que la gente ha ido publicando estos años.

Much@s se han hecho moter@s aquí en estos 13 años de existencia y se han curtido para pasar luego a cilindradas mayores.

Agradecimientos a ell@s porque crearon los cimientos del foro, gracias también a los que habeis ido llegando luego, a la vez que animamos a los invitados que nos leeis a uniros al foro y aportar así vuestro granito de arena.

A tod@s gracias, seguimos en la ruta...

  • Últimas noticias

Mmoexp Night Crows Diamonds the pursuit

Elevate your growth trajectory with the pursuit of Daily Quests, a cornerstone of efficient progression in Night Crows. Embark on hunts tailored to Night Crows Diamonds specific regions, amassing experience points, gold, Night Crows Diamonds and special coins that serve as conduits to coveted rewards. Through diligent completion of these quests, you not only bolster your character's prowess but also earn contribution points that elevate your standing within the game world.

Mastering Skills through Quick Slot and Skill Use Sequence

Unleash the full potential of your character's abilities through adept skill management. Whether utilizing the Quick Slot for swift activation or employing the Skill Use Sequence for strategic deployment, mastery of these mechanics enhances your combat efficacy. Experiment with different approaches to Night Crows Diamonds buy find the method that best complements your playstyle, paving the way for seamless integration of skills into your adventures.

Pursuing Class Advancement for Ascendant Power

Embark on the path of class advancement, a pivotal milestone in your journey towards mastery. Prepare diligently by meeting the prerequisites and crafting the requisite scrolls, unlocking newfound potential and access to formidable skills. Choose your path wisely, for the decisions made in this pursuit shall shape the trajectory of your adventures henceforth.

Balancing Key Stats for Optimal Performance

In the crucible of battle, mastery of three key stats—accuracy, defense, and basic damage—holds the key to victory. Cultivate a balanced approach, ensuring that each facet of your character's prowess is honed to perfection. By striking harmony between these vital attributes, you ascend to new heights of power and resilience, poised to conquer the challenges that await.

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    Una chaqueta para cada temporada

    Solo chaqueta en invierno y luego manga corta

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    ¿Qué tipo de casco prefieres?

    La encuesta terminó el 14 Jun 2020, 17:44



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    Abatible (se levanta la parte de la barbilla)

    Classic ( tapa solo la parte de arriba de la cabeza)

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    Si no tiene cuelgamanos no es una custom


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